Hello Fellow Foundationalists, 

In the pursuit of a hybrid vocation that is becoming my life-work, I am giving my talents, hobbies, education, and professional skills and experience to the mission of building a creative, philanthropic business. See About Us” for more details.

To gain recognition, and raise income, GU Originals offers original art and craftwork, professional graphic design products, and a variety of professional and support services in food services and distribution, events and marketing, group work and organizing, training and outreach, vegetable gardening, landscaping, and farm work. 

Fund-raising events for related organizations, and other community events will be posted on our Eventspage.

We always have several projects in the works, and update this site regularly. I make no apologies nor excuses for the simple web site. While I have the tech background, and will develop a more elaborate site in the future, delay was not an option for my energy...

Please support my work by checking out our
“For Sale” and “For Hire pages. Thank you!